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Invite Your Team

Invite team members from your organization to join the CalypsoAI workspace.

Updated over a week ago

Teammates can easily be invited to join your group on CalypsoAI from the Users screen. To access the Users screen, select Settings from the navigation panel, then click Users. The following actions can all be completed from the Users screen.

Please note that invitations can only be created/sent by an Admin.

Invite a New User

To invite a new user, click the blue Invite User button from the Users screen. Enter the invitee’s name and email address in the pop-up message screen, and click Add.

Once invited, you will see a green Invite tag displayed next to the invited user’s name on the Users list.

Manage Pending Invites

Admins have the ability to cancel or resend pending invitations from the User list. To access the option to cancel or resend an invitation, click the three dots to the right of the green “invited” tag next to the invitee’s name).

Remove a User from the CalypsoAI Workspace

To remove a user from CalypsoAI, click the three dots to the right of the user's name on the list, and select Remove. Click Remove from the pop-up window to confirm removal. Once removed, the user can no longer access the organization’s CalypsoAI workspace.

Assign a Super Admin

Once a user has accepted their invitation, the user can easily be assigned the Super Admin role. To do this, click the three dots to the right of the user's name on the list, and select Make Super Admin. Once a user is made a Super Admin, they have the capability to make changes to both Global and Group Settings.

Learn more about Administrators here.

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