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Assigning Administrators

Assign Administrators to manage your team's workspace on both the global and group level.

Updated over a week ago

Role-based access controls enable Administrators to be assigned privileges at both the Group level and Global level. Admin with Global-level privileges are known as Super Admin, and can make changes to global settings across the organization’s CalypsoAI workspace.

The first individual to sign up within an organization will be assigned the role of Super Admin by default. Once logged in, this Super Admin has the ability to invite new users to join CalypsoAI and assign users to be additional Super Admin, in addition to creating groups and assigning Group Admin.

Assign a Super Admin

To assign a Super Admin, click Settings in the navigation panel. From the Settings screen, navigate to the Users screen. From the list view, or using the Search tool, locate the user that is to be Super Admin. Click the three dots next to their name and select Make Super Admin.

Assign a Group Admin

To assign a Group Admin, click Settings from the navigation panel and navigate to the Groups screen. From the list of group members (or using the Search tool), locate the group, click the three dots to the right of the group name and select Members. From the selected Group screen, find the group member to be assigned to Group Admin. Click the three dots next to their name and select Make Group Admin.

If the individual is not yet a member of this group, click Add Member, locate the user, and select Admin from the drop-down list.

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