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Release notes: August 29, 2024 (v7.39.0)
Release notes: August 29, 2024 (v7.39.0)

New in this release: GenAI scanners, scanner packages, and testing playground.

Updated over a month ago

Release Date: August 29, 2024
​Platform: On Prem

Scanner version: 1.0.7

Helm Version: 1.0.23
App version: v7.39.0


GenAI Scanners

Our new GenAI scanners provide improved performance over our previous regex- and rule-based scanners along with added flexibility in detecting across more contexts.

Two packages of GenAI scanners are available out of the box, covering:

  • Prompt Injection and Jailbreaking

  • PII (Personally Identifiable Information)

The Prompt Injection and Jailbreaking package includes scanners for:

  • Indirect Prompt Injection

  • Adversarial Attacks

  • Jailbreak Attacks

The PII package includes scanners for:

  • Credit Card Numbers

  • Date of Birth

  • Driver’s License

  • Email Address

  • IP Address

  • Passport

  • Phone Number

  • SSN

Note: We are continually improving and updating our scanners, and plan to release updates on a regular basis.

Scanner Playground

Through the Playground, users are able to create their own GenAI scanners using simple natural language prompts, removing the need to write detailed and brittle rules.

Other new capabilities include:

  • Configuration scan direction: Scanners can be configured to scan prompts, responses, or both.

  • Scanner tagging: Tagging can make it easier to search for scanners.

  • Enhanced testing options: Testing can be done in isolation as a single scanner, with multiple scanners, or with an LLM.


On the Playground page, custom GenAI scanners can be combined into packages, allowing users to group similar scanners together. This simplifies the process of applying scanners to groups, since an entire package can be selected rather than selecting scanners individually.

Note: The scanners in the Calypso Prompt Injection and PII packages cannot be added to custom packages.

Scanner Sharing

Both scanners and packages can be shared with others in your organization via a link or email from the Scanners page.

Note: Recipients of the link must have a CalypsoAI account with Super Admin permissions to accept the shared scanners or packages.

Updated Scanner Configuration UI

The Scanners page has been redesigned to include the new GenAI scanner feature. Customers with the GenAI scanners enabled will see them at the top of the page.

Known Issues (On-Prem Only)

  1. Inviting users to the app.

    • Impact: This only affects on-prem users without SMTP credentials provided.

    • Description: When inviting users to the application, we will not send out an email providing them with an invite link if SMTP is not configured. The user will be unable to login.

    • Workaround:

      • Step 1. The normal user invitation flow should be followed in the CalypsoAI app.

      • Step 2. An Admin must log into the Keycloak Admin portal and set a password for each invited user. The password should be set to temporary.

      • Step 3. Upon login with the temporary password, the user will be prompted to update their password before proceeding to the CalypsoAI app.

  2. Scanner and package sharing

    • Impact: This affects anyone with GenAI scanners enabled on-prem who want to share.

    • Description: We use an SMTP provider to share a link to shared scanners and packages. This functionality is available for our SaaS application. It is a work in progress for our on-prem.

    • Workaround:

      • The export/import feature on the scanner page allows downloading of selected scanners, which can then be sent to other users/organizations to upload into their CalypsoAI app through the import functionality.

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