The CalypsoAI Dashboard provides the Super Admin with traceability and usage statistics, offering complete transparency into user behavior over time.
Click Dashboard in the navigations panel.
The dashboard filters are at the top of the screen.
Use the drop-down calendar to select the timeframe you wish to review (Last 30 Days, 3 Months, or 6 Months).
Select the group, if relevant, from the Group drop-down list.
Select the user, if relevant, from the User drop-down list.
Select the model, if relevant, from the Model drop-down list.
The information for that group or user within that time period appears on the dashboard.
If the date range selected is 3 months or less, results are grouped by day.
If the date range selected is more than 3 months, data is grouped by week.
If the date range selected is more than 6 months, data is grouped by month.
Hover over any point on any graph to see detailed information presented in pop-up boxes.
Note: For detailed information about each prompt and response, click the Logs link in the Navigation panel.
The graphs on the dashboard present the following information as “snapshots”:
Blocked Prompts and Prompts Sent (Quantity)
These cells display the total number of prompts made by the user within the identified time period that were blocked from being sent and the total number of prompts made by the user within the identified time period that were sent to an LLM.
Prompts Sent and Blocked (Percentage)
This graph presents the percentage of prompts and responses blocked by CalypsoAI in the identified time period for the identified user.
Policy Management Scanners
This graph presents the scanners that are most often and least often triggered by prompts and responses in the identified time period for the identified user.
Most Blocked Prompts Per User
This identifies the users have the most blocked prompts for the identified time period.
Usage/Latency Per LLM Provider
These graphs display total usage by model in the identified time period and the changes in average response time for each model in the identified time period.
Topics Scanning
This table presents the percentage of prompts that included content identified by Super Admins as not related to business functions. The information is shown by category in order (highest to lowest/lowest to highest) of their appearance in prompts.
Usage Trends
This graph displays the level of activity/demand over the identified time period and identifies the average peak usage time.
Sentiment Recording
This graph presents the type and degree of sentiment detected in prompts sent by the user in the identified time period.
Verification of Responses
This graph displays the number of responses received by the user in the identified time period, and the percentage that have been verified.
Super Admins can make human verification mandatory as a default setting.