Invite a New User into the CalypsoAI Workspace
Click Settings in the navigation panel. The Users table opens.
Click Invite User. A pop-up window appears. Enter the invitee’s name and email address, and select their role in the group (Basic or Super Admin). Click Email Invite and, if needed, Copy invite link.
A pop-up message indicates the email was sent. The person's name appears in the User list with a green Invited tag displayed next to their role.
Manage Pending Invites
Admins have the ability to cancel or resend pending invitations. Click the three dots icon at the end of the line showing the invitee’s name and select the appropriate action.
Remove a User from the CalypsoAI Workspace
To remove a user from the CalypsoAI workspace, click the three dots icon to the right of the user's name in the User list. Click Remove.
A pop-up window appears requesting confirmation. Click Remove to delete them from the workspace or click Cancel to allow them to remain a user in the workspace. Once removed, the user no longer has access the organization’s CalypsoAI workspace.
Assign a User Super Admin Status
Click the three dots icon to the right of the user's name in the User list, and select Make Super Admin. Super Admins can make changes to both Global and Group settings.